At long last a new site with lots of pictures and products!
Welcome to my first newsletter for the new website! I am thrilled to announce that I have a new website!
Now I can show off lots of new pictures of Arbutus trees and wooden utensils and products.
And you can easily order my wood craft gifts online!
Because of the wide range of sizes, shapes, grades and product types that I make, I found it to be a daunting task to build the site.
Maybe that is why it has taken me years to take the plunge!
But at last, here it is! 10 months in the making! OK, there were a few hot summer days when you could find me at the lake or beaches! :-) Memories of warm summer days and light!
Please browse through the many pages and tell me what you think! And your ideas and suggestions are most welcome.
At the end of some pages you will find areas for you to add your own pictures, poems, special west coast places, or stories. So do feel free to have your own page within the site.
In the months to come I will also be having contests for best photos in different categories, and more.
Enjoy the site and feel free to write me your questions.
May I wish you and yours a happy holiday time and a wonderful and prosperous new year!
All my best,
Arbutus Ron
ps. You can still order in time for the holidays. The shopping cart works great and is integrated right into the postal system.
Ron Bazar
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