Arbutus Cabinet Knobs?

Hi Ron

I live on Denman Island on a property on the water with a half dozen arbutus trees.

I made some cabinets from cedar from my property and would like to have arbutus pull knobs for them.

Can you make arbutus knobs (need 6)? I am thinking of something about 1" in diameter and 1" projection. Maybe it is too small to work with? Will they split/crack over time?

How much would you charge?

Thanks Ian

Arbutus Ron here...

You need a wood turner to make those. That's not me. Just make some lumber in the width you want plus 50% extra and store the wood for a while to dry. Then they could turn it. Imagine it as a long dowel that could provide the 6 pieces.

Another simpler option is to take the curvy part of small branches, let dry and make into nice handles that attaches with screws from the drawer.

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Aug 10, 2015
Arbutus knobs
by: nick inglis

I'm on Hornby I can turn knobs to help u out

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