Arbutus Wood Carving

Found a nice straight piece of arbutus trimmed off a tree at the side of the road, it is about 5 inches in diameter and about 30 inches long.

I have always wanted to make some arbutus utensils though this piece may be too big...?

My question: what is the best way to break this down into smaller utensil size portions? axe? machinery? I am new to wood working and many of its tools. Any tips appreciated.

Thank you


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May 31, 2011
Arbutus Wood Carving Tips
by: Arbutus Ron

Hi Bob,

5" is about the minimum you need as you will loose a lot as you carve.

Cut it in half to 2 pieces of 15". Then split those pieces along the length with a bandsaw ideally or any other way...axe is not easy nor chainsaw on such a small piece. Be careful!

Then trim the outer round part off so you end up with 2 pieces of rectangular lumber.

Then you are ready to carve your Arbutus wood. You can trace the shape you want on it and then cut it out with the bandsaw. Then you turn it on edge and cut the desired thickness you want for your piece of wood utensil.

Now you are ready to sand. Start with 60 grit and work your way up to 220 to 600 as you prefer.

Find someone who has a bandsaw to help your project happen.

Let me know how you make out!

Best of luck,


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