Manzanita salad sets

Have you ever tried to use the burl off the Manzanita bush to make your salad sets? I've found out that they they make good bowls or anything you can see in them.


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Jun 22, 2013
large manzanita NEW
by: Anonymous

i have lots of large manzanita. the largest i have seen is 28' tall with a 12" trunk that is 15' before branching out. i am in 20' x 4-8" stuff all the time .

Jul 14, 2010
Wooden salad hands and sets from Manzanita wood
by: Arbutus Ron

Thanks for writing!

Yes, I do make wooden salad hands and sets from Manzanita wood...just not often can I find big enough pieces to make my larger sizes as the wood is quite rare in that size.

But do inquire if you want those as I do have some in stock from time to time.

Arbutus Ron

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